
This is a collection of documents that were gathered by Éva László and inserted into the albums she prepared to showcase her career. 

The documents are presented chronologically.


In 1943, Éva László received this letter from the Hungarian Radio in Budapest. They invited her for an interview for  a soloist singer job at the Budapest Radio. She traveled to Budapest and after the audition, they wanted to hire her but the HR department  learned about her family’s Jewish origin and they didn’t hire her. This was during the fascist regime in Hungary. They told her to return to Romania within 24 hours.

1948 – Invitation for an interview at the Hungarian Opera in Cluj.

Scrisoare de la Cooperativa Solidaritatea Arad unde a lucrat Eva Laszlo inainte de a deveni solista de opera. Aici este felicitata pentru noul loc de miunca la Opera Maghiara din Cluj recent infiintata.

Scrisoarea este datata Noiembrie 1949.

1955 – The signature of the conductor Hary Bela, on a book about the Hungarian Folk music. Hary Bela conducted Kodaly’s Hary Janos, in which Laszlo Eva sang the Orsze role.

1957- During the years of communism, every employee had to submit their personal autobiography detailing what they had done during the year. This is the autobiography written by Éva László in 1957.

Autobiography – Page 2

Autobiography – Page 3. At the end oyu can see in how ma ny shows she sang until 1957 (319). The last sentence on the page is a slogan : “We fight for piece! !” This was the mandatory requirement in those years during communism, to end every document.

In 1960, Éva László was awarded the Medal of Labor. This happened after a visit by Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej to Cluj, where Éva László sang in a concert dedicated to him. Gheorghiu Dej gave her his private phone number to contact him in Bucharest, but Éva László never reached out to him. (Info about who was Gheorghe Gheorgiu Dej here.

Dedication from the famous Hungarian singer Simandi Jozsef, with whom Éva László sang Carmen in Cluj on February 28, 1965.

A special production of Don Carlo with the famous italian conductor Napoleone Annovazzi and with the famous Romanian Bariton Ion Piso. November 1966

Napoleone Annovazzi

Ion Piso, tenor



December 1966. The Cairo Concert program. The concert was a few months between the 6 days war between Egypt and Israel (June 5 1967)

December 1966 – The Program of Madame Butterfly – Cairo Opera 1966

1966 Article about the Romanian Artists Tour in Egypt in a local newspaper.

1967 Antal Rónai conductor’s dedication to Éva László after the Egyptian trip.

1964 – Ordinul Muncii Clasa 3 – medal with the signature of Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej, Romanian Kommunist President

Autobiografia scrisa de Eva Laszlo in 1970.

Autobiografie 1970-2

Autobiografie 1970 – Pagina 3

Autobiografie 1970 – Pagina 4

Dedicatie de la compozitorul Max Eisikovits – 1972  ( )

Asa arata un contract care trebuia semnat de artistii din Romania cind plecau in strainatate.

Pagina 2

Pagina 3 – Contract ARIA

Pagina 4 – Contract ARIA

Pagina 5 – Contract ARIA

Pagina 6

O scrisoare de la celebra soprana Julia Varadi care si-a inceput cariera la Cluj si dupa ce a fugit din Romania in anii 1970 a ajuns celebra in Germania. ( ) S-a casatorit cu celebrul bas bariton german Dietrich Fischer Dieskau. (

Szrisoare Julia Varadi – 2

Scrisoare Julia Varadi – 3

Aici se vade programul ei de turnee in 1986.

Scrisoare Julia Varadi – 4

Discursurile de la inmormintarea Evei Laszlo in 27 decembrie 1995. Si patitura fragment din Recviemul de Mozart  ce s-a cintat la inmormintarea ei de catre corul Operei Maghiare.

Inmormintare 2

Inmormintare 3